Dorka Hlinková
CZECH Filip Kartousek CZECH Filip Kartousek

Dorka Hlinková

Dorka Hlinková’s oil paintings explore nature, humanity, and existential themes, using found materials to tell forgotten stories. Discover her work at HIDDEN Gallery.

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Anna Banytiuk
CZECH Filip Kartousek CZECH Filip Kartousek

Anna Banytiuk

Anna Banytiuk (*2001, Kharkiv, Ukraine) is a young visual artist and graphic designer based in Prague. In her work, she focuses on capturing space, its distortion, and perspectives from unusual angles. She works with a wide range of media, from watercolors and traditional graphic techniques to large-scale paintings. Her pieces often reflect personal experiences of the war in Ukraine and life in exile, characterized by strong emotional depth and profound introspection.

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