HIDDEN éditions

At HIDDEN Gallery, we believe in making contemporary art accessible to all. Our HIDDEN éditions features exclusive collaborations with renowned artists, offering unique and affordable original artworks. Each edition is meticulously curated to maintain the highest standards of quality and artistic integrity, ensuring that every piece is a true collectible. Explore the diverse range of artistic expressions, from Hiroyuki Kimura's dynamic hand paintings and Ilona Koroman's delicate gouache works to Anna Ruth's intricate calligraphic pieces. Join us in celebrating the creativity and innovation of today's leading artists.

Explore our éditions:

Filip Kartousek Filip Kartousek

Hiroyuki Kimura - HIDDEN éditions

HIDDEN, in an exclusive collaboration with Hiroyuki Kimura, proudly presents "Positive Hand," a collection of unique hand paintings on paper. This limited edition features 30 original pieces, each capturing the dynamic essence of sumo wrestling through an innovative technique.

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