Dimitrij Mandzyuk


Dirty Cloud
5. 7. 2024 / 4. 8. 2024


We are delighted to present the 6th exhibition at HIDDEN AVU, featuring student of Academy of fine arts in Prague, Dimitrij Mandzyuk.


"Heading home, there's not much to see between the apartment blocks, so I'm looking down – and suddenly I'm struck by a dusty icon, lying on the sidewalk with its eyes fixed on the sky..."

Dimitrij Mandzyuk's exhibition "Dirty Cloud" draws from folklore, folk icons, and graffiti. At first glance, these seemingly disparate themes are united with a dose of irony, perspective, and playful naivety. He subtly plays with their differences, ultimately creating a rather apt commentary on the increasingly fragmented nature of contemporary life. The world of urban housing estates enters into a dialogue with Ladová's picturesque village or an Orthodox icon, seamlessly intertwining, drawing from the artist's memories as well as the immediate present. Formally, Dimitrij combines the technique of folk reverse painting on glass with ready-mades, often using raw concrete, which has become inseparably linked with life in the modern city.

Curator: Helena Todorová


Lucie Bečvářová, Ekaterina Gordeladze, Vanda Kovaříková, Marie Kuklíková


Hiroyuki Kimura