Dark garden


Group exhibition
26.3. / 4. 5. 2024


We are delighted to present the 3rd exhibition at HIDDEN UMPRUM, featuring students of Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague, Anastázie Ilina, Daniel Altera, Daniil Tsvetkov, Emma Kabešová, Jiří Bartoš, Julia Prochnik, Kateřina Šípová, Markéta Královcová, PoL Manterani, Tzuchi Su.


Transitioning from day to night can transform places into different worlds. In a garden, a space within an agglomeration where life and death continually occur on both macro and micro scales, this transformation can be intense. Are there plants and flowers that awaken precisely in the dark, or perhaps exist only in it? What creatures inhabit this reality? The lack of light and visibility allows speculations to take root and grow freely, creating a dark fantasy through the relationship between the mysterious and the organic.

Curator: Julia Prochnik


Liza Ulyanova


Anastasia Ilina, Hana Marhounová, Alex Švígler