Šenay Kobak, Marika Krčmářová


5. / 29. 6. 2024


We are delighted to present the first combined exhibition at HIDDEN, featuring artists from both HIDDEN UMPRUM and HIDDEN AVU. Although these two gallery spaces have always been friendly but separate entities, this time they unite as one.


Šenay Kobak (UMPRUM) and Marika Krčmářová (AVU) have come together to create a dialogical exhibition, rooted in their personal friendship and exploring the broader concept of connection within a generation often referred to as "snowflakes." Both artists examine their emotions, recognizing the strength in sensitivity and openly expressing their feelings. This gentle and sensitive connection is seen as an emancipatory gesture.

"Chaos, days, nights, I can hardly keep track. We strive to reach the peaks, yet it's never as it seems. You reach out to me while that song plays, the one from when we were tangled in the meadow. We dived into the mud, utterly foolish. Enchanted by the shimmering rainbow drink. Everything looked like it was blurred with the Photoshop tool. Tears flowed, we swam at dawn, and then we sat on that hill laughing. So play me that song, I want to feel like we did back then again."

Curator: Helena Todorová


Hiroyuki Kimura


Liza Ulyanova