Marcela Putnová



Marcela Putnová (*1997) in her artistic practice reflects on the definition of reality and works with the theme of human intervention, memory and power. Dreamlike and realistic scenes contain allusions to historical, contemporary and technological aspects of society as well as free reflections. She investigates the imprints of phenomena and events in the medium of drawing, painting, object and video, which further reflect cultural signs, deep archetypes and symbols. Presentation of her work include those at Kampus Hybernská, Galerie Kritiků, Světova 1 in Prague among others. She studied Academy of Fine Arts in Prague in studio of Jiří Petrbok and was in The Studio of visiting artist of Paulina Olowska. You can find her in studios in Prague and Vysočina.

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Rick Van der Klooster


Felix Schöppner